If there was one feeling you could take into 2023?? M.O.R.E

2022 where would I be without you?

Making my list

Jan 1

Bird Island


I have a lot of feelings heading into 2023. I spent the last 365 days on the go with very little rest, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. As I sat New Year’s Day somewhere I had wondered to on Bird Island in beautiful Saint Augustine, Florida, the only thing I could think of was the feeling of wanting more. Not the kind of more where you need more things rather thinking through the things that matter to me and doing more of that.

2023 is going to be more Meaningful and Organized. More Respite and more Energy. M.O.R.E. In 2022 I started a business for myself and I am helping a friend with hers. Somehow I committed again to coaching youth soccer and figured out how to make that work. 2022 was about #winning, sports, maintaining fitness, and growing deeper into my professional passions. 2022 was learning new ways to make the world a little bit better place.

In recent months, I realized just how precious our experiences are and how they “chisel us “into the person that we’ve become. I had an Epiphany in December, or maybe it was a little bit of déjà vu. It was as though every experience, every triumph every long-term play, every relationship, every connection, all culminated in exactly one point in time and I knew I was where I needed to be. I saw the path of how to get moving forward and becoming the human I envisioned some 20 years ago.

For 2023 I’m committing to 52 installments of things that I think matter. Mostly professional things, but sometimes deeply personal. I think that’s the nature of who I am as a professional and an individual. Forever striving to help make my world a little bit better one starfish at a time. Using Feynman’s Technique (Nobel prize winning physicist), I’m going to do my best to break down seemingly complex topics, so even children can understand and maybe we all have a fighting chance for a better future.

I have transitioned yet again into a deeper sense of community and centralization of thoughts on how to make the world better. I’ve immerse myself in rail and energy as the next layers of importance in my planning career, and as I see it a way back to the future for my beautiful Florida.

I was called a “generator” recently, and I think that about sums me up. So come along with me as I generate 52 topics through the eyes of a learn on the job single mother, strategic land development licensed planner, former real estate broker, B2B software sales person, story telling grant writer, advocate, soccer coach, ocean lover, utilitarian, who loves to travel, enjoys sipping beverages, a good sunrise, long walks to write reports, bird enthusiast, basketball, anything in the ocean, and all kinds of music, type of chic.

Below is my list of things I will do more this year, and I encourage you to do MORE too.

~Heather Lane

2023 M.O.R.E

  • Meaningful

  • Organized

  • Respite

  • Energy

Stretch, nature, plants, hugs, adventures, breathes, volunteer, snail mail, steps, water, travel, recipes, entertain, fishing, surfing, reading, love, sunrises, rest


Day 1 It takes a Village


An open letter to my local neighbors…